Newly discovered portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Prints by Karsh, Ottawa … original negatives by Hesler, 1860. Chicago: King V. Hostick, undated. This edition limited to one thousand sets of which these are prints Nos. 85-A and 85-B. Gift of Frank Hyer, former president of Delaware Power and Light Company. MSS 0521 Lincoln Club of Delaware Abraham Lincoln collection

Newly discovered portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Prints by Karsh, Ottawa … original negatives by Hesler, 1860. Chicago: King V. Hostick, undated. This edition limited to one thousand sets of which these are prints Nos. 85-A and 85-B. Gift of Frank Hyer, former president of Delaware Power and Light Company. MSS 0521 Lincoln Club of Delaware Abraham Lincoln collection


The Rail-Splitter Surprise


"Newly discovered portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Prints by Karsh, Ottawa … original negatives by Hesler, 1860. Chicago: King V. Hostick, undated. This edition limited to one thousand sets of which these are prints Nos. 85-A and 85-B. Gift of Frank Hyer, former president of Delaware Power and Light Company. MSS 0521 Lincoln Club of Delaware Abraham Lincoln collection."


Newly discovered portraits of Abraham Lincoln. Prints by Karsh, Ottawa ... original negatives by Hesler, 1860. Chicago: King V. Hostick, undated. This edition limited to one thousand sets of which these are prints Nos. 85-A and 85-B. Gift of Frank Hyer, former president of Delaware Power and Light Company. MSS 0521 Lincoln Club of Delaware Abraham Lincoln collection Close