Rocky Keezer (Passamaquoddy Tribe at Sipayik [or Pleasant Point], Maine, b. 1969), Natural and Purple Woven Porcupine Basket, ca. 2008, dyed and natural brown ash, sweetgrass. Interior view.

Rocky Keezer (Passamaquoddy Tribe at Sipayik [or Pleasant Point], Maine, b. 1969), Natural and Purple Woven Porcupine Basket, ca. 2008, dyed and natural brown ash, sweetgrass. Interior view.


Braided Sweetgrass and Pounded Ash


"Rocky Keezer (Passamaquoddy Tribe at Sipayik [or Pleasant Point], Maine, b. 1969), Natural and Purple Woven Porcupine Basket, ca. 2008, dyed and natural brown ash, sweetgrass. Interior view.."


Rocky Keezer (Passamaquoddy Tribe at Sipayik [or Pleasant Point], Maine, b. 1969), Natural and Purple Woven Porcupine Basket, ca. 2008, 4 ⅜ x 5 ⅞ inches, dyed and natural brown ash, sweetgrass. Museums Collections, Gift of Leslie & Virginia Tronzo. Interior view. Close