About This Exhibition:
Throughout history, minerals have been used as vibrantly colored pigments to make paint. Although artists today use them less frequently, the presence of mineral pigments in painted works of art assists art conservators and researchers in dating, identifying and in restoration.
View an array of pigment minerals used by artists throughout time in Ground Minerals from Pigments to Palette. In the exhibition, visitors will discover minerals like hematite and limonite that create red and yellow hues seen in prehistoric cave paintings, and lapis lazuli, a blue pigment mineral used for special applications in Renaissance paintings.
You can also view the Mineralogical Museum’s Permanent Collection, which reflects the early mining of gem crystals in the United States and major finds from Europe.
For information about this exhibition or the Mineralogical Museum, please contact Curator Sharon Fitzgerald at slfitz[at]udel.edu or 302-831-6557.
Exhibition curated by Sharon Fitzgerald, Curator, Mineralogical Museum