The Pittsburgh Courier


The Pittsburgh Courier
Saturday, November 2, 1935
Pauline A. Young Collection (MSS 0256) 

The Pittsburgh Courier was established in 1907 by Edwin Nathaniel Harleston with Robert L. Vann becoming editor in 1910. The newspaper was published weekly and included sections such as local news, sports, comics, entertainment, and as shown here — woman’s activities. The Courier advocated for Black rights with one of the biggest campaigns being the “Double V Campaign” during World War II which stood for victory overseas and victory at home. Victory at home meant trying to gain more rights and freedoms for Black peoples. The campaign was started by James G. Thompson who wrote a letter that was published in The Pittsburgh Courier. The Courier also published the comics of Jackie Ormes who is considered to be the first Black woman cartoonist. 

This issue of “Woman’s Activities” features modern etiquette, sweetheart of the high school football team, social event news such as clubs, parties, and dances, and laws that could be of concern to New Jersey beauticians. This is the only section of the November 2, 1935 issue of The Pittsburgh Courier found in the Pauline A. Young collection.