Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol in Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. With illustrations by John Leech. London: Chapman & Hall, 1843.
A. Edward Newton. A Leech Drawing. Daylesford, Pa.: A. Edward Newton, 1923.
This pamphlet by the noted American author, publisher and collector reproduces one of John Leech’s drawings for the 1843 edition of A Christmas Carol. Newton owned two of Leech’s original watercolor drawings for the book.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. Washington: Judd and Detweiler, 1933.
With pen drawings by Charles Dunn. One of six hundred and seventy-five copies of this edition “designed and directed” by the important American book designer Lester Douglas.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott Co., 1952. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol: The Original Manuscript. New York: Dover, 1971.
This edition reproduces Dicken’s original manuscript of A Christmas Carol in facsimile along with a printed transcription of the text. The original manuscript is housed in The Pierpont Morgan Library. Donald H. Reiman Collection.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol in Prose: Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. San Francisco: Arion Press, 1993. Copy 102 of two hundred copies signed by the artist.
Published during the 150th anniversary of Dickens’s original publication, this fine press edition includes Ida Applebroog’s modern drawings, which deliberately echo previous illustrations for the novella. Paul Davis provides further context to the history of A Christmas Carol’s illustrative development in his introduction.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol. Illustrated by Chris Burke. Oldham: Incline Press, [2005?].
The first illustrated book from Chris Burke, known for his work on murals, posters, and The Sunday Times. Printed with metal type and hand bound, the book includes eight tipped–in illustrations that tell the familiar story while satirizing modern culture.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol: A Pop-Up Book. New York: Little, Brown, 2010.
Illustrated by Chuck Fischer with paper engineering by Bruce Foster. The entire text of A Christmas Carol is reproduced in five removable, illustrated, keepsake booklets. Special Collections’ copy is from the Nathaniel H. Puffer Collection, which includes nearly 400 examples of pop-up books.
A selection of miniature editions of A Christmas Carol from the Marnie Flook Miniature Book Collection.

Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol: In Prose, Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. London: Henry Frowde, 1906.
Charles Dickens. Cratchit’s Christmas Feast: Excerpted from a Christmas Carol. Pasadena: Weather Bird Press, 1988.
Number 16 of 20 letterpress-printed copies signed Vance Gerry who designed and printed the book.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol Alphabet Book from the Charles Dickens Classic. Illustrated by Suzanne Smith Pruchnicki. Manteno, Ill.: Bronte Press, 1994.
Number 23 of 100 letterpress-printed copies signed by the artist.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story of Christmas. Munich: Minibook, 1996.
Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol. Madrid, Spain: Del Prado Publishers/Ediciones del Prado, 2003.