In July 1922, University of Delaware President Walter Hullihen announced the establishment of a University of Delaware Press to the university’s board of trustees, saying: “Nothing perhaps…redounds more to the credit of an educational institution or adds more to its prestige than a Press bearing its name, wisely administered, and issuing only books and journals of acknowledged and permanent value which carry to other institutions of learning and to educated men in all parts of the world the name of the institution.” This exhibition demonstrates how press staff, board members, and university faculty and administrators have sought to fulfill this original mission by wisely administering the University of Delaware Press and ensuring it would issue scholarship of the highest value, standing as a credit to the university for one hundred years.
A modified version of this exhibition is also on physical display in the Information Room of the Morris Library through May 13, 2023.
Curated by Julia Oestreich, Director of University of Delaware Press, and Grace Bartel, Graduate Editorial Assistant, University of Delaware Press.