On Campus: Demanding Students


The University of Delaware was not immune to the social and political fervor sweeping the country in the late Sixties. Student journalists of The Review, with Shaun D. Mullen as managing editor and editor-in-chief 1967-1969, cranked out a vibrant campus paper in 1967 and 1968, frequently reporting on student government representation of campus issues. Rallies and protests on campus mirrored national activism in war resistance, civil rights, Black power, and equal rights for women. The united “Student Power!” platform from SGA candidates in the spring of 1967 championed radical changes on campus, reflecting national and international student movements in social and political causes.

In 1967, participation in ROTC (the Reserve Officer Training Corps) was mandatory for all freshmen and sophomore males; the parade to drill practice at Wright Field stopped traffic on Main Street twice a week. ROTC was a hugely unpopular requirement as anti-war sentiment gained momentum with UD students; SDS member and SGA President Ray Ceci led the campaign against compulsory ROTC that escalated in a “walk-on” incident that interrupted ROTC drill practice and resulted in the suspension of six students.