Voices of 1968


Oral History Project

1968 is remembered as a pivotal year in American history, particularly notable for Delawareans as the year when the Delaware National Guard occupied Wilmington to quell riots after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. in April. At the University of Delaware, students were involved in rallies and protests on campus that mirrored national activism in war resistance, civil rights, Black power, and equal rights for women.

In order to improve the documentation from University students and faculty, residents of Newark and Wilmington, and any Delawareans who remember 1968, the University of Delaware Library is conducting oral interviews for Voices of 1968. This ongoing oral history program, permently preserved in Special Collections of the University of Delaware Library, will capture the stories of 1968 from the people who lived experienced such a momentous and heterodoxical year.

To participate, contact Special CollectionsVoices of 1968 is also available as an activity for the Class of 1968 (and other attendees) during Alumni Weekend 2018. To share your story during Alumni Weekend, register here. Please review the reslease form and interviewee profile sheet in advance to your interview.

The collection can be accessed here