11a – Interactive puzzles, maps

For reference or other information, please contact Special Collections.


Click on the images below to play with a puzzle of featured exhibition items from Votes for Delaware Women: a Centennial Exhibition. These puzzles were created with Jigsaw Explorer.

Official Program - Woman Suffrage Procession
Official Program—Woman Suffrage Procession, cover illustration by Benjamin M. Dale, March 3, 1913. Facsimile image courtesy of Library of Congress. See Section 4a for more information about this item.

Forward, Denver [suffrage campaign button] with additional suffrage campaign buttons with various slogans, undated (9 items). Woman Suffrage Collection, University of Delaware Library Museums and Press. See Section 4 for more information about this item.
Delaware Awake
Ethel Pennewill Brown Leach (United States, 1878-1960). Delaware Awake! 1918. Oil on canvas. Museums Collections, University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press, Gift of the Women’s Liberty Loan Committee of Delaware, 1918. See Section 5a for more information about this item.
Inez Milholland Boissevain
Inez Milholland Boissevain who died for the Freedom of Women [poster from pageant, Forward into Light, commissioned by the National Woman’s Party, 1924]. Woman Suffrage Collection. University of Delaware Library Museums and Press. See Section 4e for more information about this item.
Leading Women War Workers
Leading Women War Workers” in Emmett J. (Emmett Jay) Scott (1873-1957). Scott’s Official History of the American Negro in The World War. [Washington, D.C.], copyright Emmett J. Scott, 1919. University of Delaware Library Museums and Press. See Section 5b for more information about this item.

Harris and Ewing
Harris and Ewing, Washington, D.C. Photograph of Florence Bayard Hilles speaking from the back of an open automobile, circa 1916. Records of the National Woman’s Party. Facsimile image courtesy Library of Congress. See Section 8a for more information about this item.

Interactive maps

Discovering Delaware Sites of the Woman's Suffrage Movement: A Story Map, created with ArcGIS (Esri) by Kimberly Stowell, Historic Preservation Specialist, Center for Historic Architecture and Design, University of Delaware.

Votes for Women a brief global tour of sites associated with suffrage history, featured on Google Earth.